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8 weeks pregnant but measuring 6 weeks, no heartbeat

At the scan they could see the gestational sac, the yolk sac, and the baby (fetal pole) and everything was in the right place, however they told us the baby was only measuring 6.3mm which suggested a 6 week pregnancy, not an 8 week one. Yesterday I started spotting a dark red-brown So I called the dr. And got in for an ultrasound. I was 7+1 from lmp but fetal pole measures 6+2 which sounds right as I oved about cd 18-19 (going off cm record on ff) and then a day or 2 for implant. Don't fret! I had a third u/s today and im confirmed 7wks 6days, heart rate was 163. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! I went yesterday for my 8 week US and measured 6 weeks. Posted 2/25/12. the lady told me if I had come in 2 days earlier we definitely wouldnt have seen a heartbeat, mine looked exactly like this they said i had no heart beat and it could be 7 weeks but Im really thinking its just too early, she should have. We didn't know dates because of my irregular cycle, but from the pregnancy test result, 8 weeks was the minimum. Lets dive through the following article to know why 8 weeks pregnant would measure 6 weeks with slow heartbeat. The first 3 weeks after they told me the baby was dead i had no signs of a miscarriage, no cramping, no bleeding. Everything was normal, except for a heterozygous MTHFR mutation (prescribed high dose folic acid) IVF#4 (Dec2013/Jan 2014): Microdose flare+Saizen+testosterone Before getting all tensed and freaked out about your unborn babys growth, you should calm down and look forward to your doctors advice regarding this matter. 6 weeks is actually pretty early to hear heartbeat we didnt hear ours until 9 weeks and then when we went back after. We know the waiting game can be very long and hectic, but it will be worth it when you see your babys face. Seeing your baby's heartbeat on an early pregnancy ultrasound is one of the surest indicators that a pregnancy is proceeding as it should. I certainly hope that the measurements were off and you see growth soon. was baby measuring 8.5 weeks? They said if its a two, Im definitely miscarrying, 10-11 I may or may not be, but if its over 20 she feels confident Im actually only 6 weeks pregnant. I hope everything works out well! All the first tests determined i had miscarried and the hospital told me the baby was gone but they sent me for tests later in the week. This puts the infant in greater danger during pregnancy, delivery, and later. I knew exactly when I got pregnant, and there's no way it could have been later (as we didn't have sex after the day I ovulated). By 8 weeks, you should definitely see and possibly 'hear' the heartbeat by Doppler - sometimes it takes until 12 weeks as it did with our second baby (had to have another sono at 8 weeks to confirm we were still viable as no heartbeat heard). The reason you got six weeks reading at eight weeks is that you might have calculated your cycle wrong. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. . A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. We got to see yolk sac and baby and the fluttering heartbeat. Still too small to see a heartbeat. The common handheld Doppler devices that are used during prenatal visits, can sometimes fail to detect the heartbeat until 12 weeks. I am currently 17weeks with a baby girl. Abdominal ultrasound takes one more week (7 to 8 weeks) to find heartbeat. And the baby measuring small in the ultrasound reading is quite normal. Went for a. BFP#2 6-8-11 Eleanor Beatrice born 2-15-12. Last period was Thurs, Dec 29th. The docotrs have decided to let my body run its natural course over the past 4 weeks and miscarry on its own. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Sometimes because of multiple pregnancies, such as twins or triplets, infection, birth defects, chromosome problems, etc., and some reasons your baby can measure smaller than its age. Thank you for sharing , I always knew my cycles, even when they were irregular, so the only ti, Yeah Im seriously not hopeful.. at all, but my husband is and I think that makes it harder. Heart beats are normally detected around 10-12 weeks. Starting from that moment, heart rate of the fetus increases 3 BPM each day during that1st month. Materials and methods: Institutional review board approval was granted; informed consent was not required. But she looked up smiled and said there's a heartbeat but not just one there's two. Even if this is going to be a miscarriage, at least you'll know. If any factors mentioned above are not applicable, then there is a chance that this might not end up in a viable pregnancy. I'm scheduled to go back next week to see if there has been any growth. However, when there is a heartbeat, it is important to ensure that it is normal. BFP 7/27/10, no hb discovered 9/3/10, natural m/c 9/17/10, Yes! Meet other parents of March 2016 babies and share the joys and challenges as your children grow. No period 9 weeks after erpc. (Last Us Friday, today Monday - so 4 days) The ultrasound showed no changed - still at 6 wks, 1 day and no heartbeat. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I was worried too so I booked an early ultrasound, around 10 weeks, and they found the heartbeat. Unfortunately you just have to wait and see, there is no way for us to know what will happen with your pregnancy. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. Thanks ladies, my family doctor has me scared shitless talking about a molar pregnancy cuz my hgc levels increased. It is possible that the measurement was inaccurate. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. The tech didnt find a heart beat. I'm in the same position as you. I am preparing myself for bad news. Fashionable Quynh, 27- has a Medial degree specializing ingynecology. They did labs and fortunately my labs doubled in 2 days so they did another u/s a week and a half later and there was a sac and very small "fetal pole", measured at 5 wks 6 days. I saw my baby and a heartbeat and tech said congratulations as well.. Don't lose hope! Yolk sac, fetal pole, hb was found at 110 bpm. Thats awful! I thought I was 9 weeks 2 days today. Happened to be with my first, turns out I ovulated super late. See more expert explanation of no heartbeat at 8 weeks in the video here: With knowing the possible causes of cant hear babys heartbeat at 8 weeks, the normal heartbeat can help you better monitor your whole pregnancy. An early scan cant tell everything about a baby. If the transvaginal ultrasound shows no heartbeat at 8 weeks then there might be a pregnancy loss. Discussion in 'Pregnancy - First Trimester' started by hopestruck, Apr 20, 2012. Because its not good for your baby, try to stay positive and hope for the best. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Im freaking out. If you see slower heart rate and growth at the second scan, too, then maybe you should be ready for a miscarriage and not hold hope with the pregnancy. Heavy bleeding and serious cramps require medical visit, and too much bleeding and pain could be due to tubal pregnancy. I want to say I saw a little something in there. This week I am 12 weeks pregnant and at 8 weeks i had an u/s and there was no heartbeat. Went on to have an uncomplicated pregnancy. Sometimes mothers physical problems can lead to the babys slow heartbeat and growth. Seeing the heartbeat is a good sign. I'm so nervous, because i may be early along, but i feel soattachedalready please comment with any experience/advice. It's not a great sign that LO is measuring the same as 2 weeks ago, but a HB is a good sign. It is salt in an open wound, and completely not helpful. So, you need to stay positive and hope for the best because stress is not good for the baby at all. We didn't know dates because of my irregular cycle, but from the pregnancy test result, 8 weeks was the minimum. There wasnt a heartbeat but they saw the sack and yolk. My miscarriage was "missed" so I had no bleeding, spotting or cramping, no outward signs anything was wrong, even 5 full weeks after the baby had stopped growing, so please just prepare yourself for either outcome. I pray that will be the case for us as well! I am absolutely sure when I ovulated and we only had sex once on the day before ovulation. It must be very stressful. Now please, please, please go back to the mc/pl board and delete your post there. & was it a abdominal or vaginal ultrasound where they couldnt detect? She said that I am pregnant and that it's not ectopic. yes its very stressful which isnt good for us or the baby. I can definitely sympathize with you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm just hoping something was off, even tho i know my exact dates for my last period, i'm praying for a miracle. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me , Yeah Im seriously not hopeful.. at all, but my husband is and I think. But in some cases, there is no heartbeat to be detected at 8 weeks or later, which often makes the parents more concerned. I am supposed to be 8 weeks 2 days today and had my first ultrasound. There are a lot of mothers out there who were in a similar situation but gave birth to healthy babies without any complications. I didn't want to enjoy the news in case something went wrong. This may result in the baby receiving less oxygen than usual. You will be rescanned to make sure no further progress and two sonographers will check aswell. Had some brownish bloody tinged discharge so went to emerg, transvaginal ultrasound showed a baby and sac measuring 6 weeks with no heartbeat. If a baby is seen measuring 8 weeks or larger with no heartbeat, the chances are quite slim that you had a misdiagnosed miscarriage. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. My OB was hopeful even without a heartbeat after the first u/s, since measurements that early are a matter of millimeters, she encouraged me to get a second opinion at a place with more advanced u/s equipment. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. They could just be off on the measurement this time. The possibility is very low, but it can still happen. I hope it works out for you. And I had the brown discharge its normal, Im 31 weeks! I know the exact date of my last period but they did an early ultrasound on friday and could not find a heartbeat and said the fetus was underdeveloped by about 2 wks I should have been 8 wks last tuesday..i am going back for the second set of bloodwork on monday to determine if my hormones are still rising but my doctor said she did not want me to have false hope. I hope everything works out for you! My hgc levels were 14000 on Tuesday and 15560 on Wednesday so they did go up. Still experiencing symptoms and no blood or cramping. I hope you realize that the only reason your post wasn't welcomed on the miscarriage/pregnancy loss board is because it is a very safe place for those who are confused and heartbroken after their losses. Theyre still really small at 8 weeks, so I would say dont worry too much! Had my dating ultrasound today and should have been 8 weeks and 5 days based on my LMP. But according to ultrasound the baby has a fetal pole for 6 weeks but accoriding to my last missed period I am 8.5 weeks. My doctor wasnt in the least bit worried when she couldnt detect the heartbeat at 8.5 weeks. No cramping. I had the exact same thing happen 3-weeks ago. Thank you. Youre in my prayers! <3. Threatened abortion is one condition in which cramping and bleeding stops but pregnancy continues. Good luck and Congradulations! When there is no heartbeat at 6 week, it is obvious to worry about fetal health. Since stethoscopes amplify internal noises, specifically for and . Those are usually pretty telling. All rights reserved. ). However, a miscarriage history doesn't necessary direct to another one, and you can just carry a baby in future. This scan result can scare you to your core, but you need to stay positive and hope for the best. I find it so weird that all the Dr's are different I had an ultrasound done today I'm supposed to be 7weeks1day but baby measured at 6w5d and they couldn't detect a heartbeat so they told me that I'm having a miscarriage but I've felt perfectly fine throughout the pregnancy, thank you so much!! were you able to see the gestational sac and fetal pole? You can measure it sonographically during 6 weeks. On Saturday I have another ultrasound which will confirm the viability. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. You sure were the happiest person on earth when you got your first positive pregnancy test. I've had minor symptoms, but this week I had a tiny bit of pink on my tissue when going to the bathroom twice. 8 weeks pregnant and no heartbeat but measuring 6w -1d (Ivf) worried and scared. No heartbeat detected. According to my LMP I should be 8w3d, according to my ovulation I should be 7w3d. The cause of miscarriage varies; but most are due to genetic problems. A normal foetal heart rate ranges from 120 to 160 bpm (beats per minute) when it is first detected. I knew my dates would be out which is why I went at over 7 weeks tbh. In between 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's heart starts to function and beats at a rate of 80 to 85 BPM (Beats Per Minute). Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. And thats why your baby might measure small and get a reading of a slower heartbeat which is right for the age. If you're looking for hope, I know that's not what you want to hear, but I found false hope made my week of waiting far longer. Don't lose hope! Hi there, Your situation sounds exactly like mine. The scan also yields reliable and accurate results, only if the beat is present. Got called to the doctors office today and they said I had a water infection but I had a lot of bacteria in my water no infection. I had one because I was passing clots, found out I have a small subchorionic hemorrhage causing the bleeding. Same dates for me! Days and she said if I had come in two days earlier there wouldnt have been a heartbeat. She said the baby and the sac are measuring at the same dates which is good news but I am worried. Just looking for some encouragement or advice. I saw the sac but it honestly happened so fast and I felt like I was in a daze after my doctor said she couldnt find the heartbeat. So sorry to hear this. I thought I was 6w, 6d, but their measurements said 6w, 2d and we were able to hear the heartbeat. My practice usually sees ppl between weeks 8-10 to look for one. The waiting is the hardest part for me. for the next few days until you go back. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Same thing here! She kept asking me if I am sure about my dates. All rights reserved. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Just sit back, relax and wait for your next scan to see if everything is fine. You might remember the wrong date of your last period which counts a lot to gestational age OR you doctor give a wrong gestational age. Some statistics have shown that out of 7 pregnancies, miscarriage happens in at least one. I had the same experience back in February. anyone experience this and have a good outcome? With my first pregnancy, I measured 6 weeks when I knew I had to be 8, but there was never a heartbeat even after checking multiple times and waiting several weeks to be sure. It unfortunately didn't turn out well for me with that pregnancy (now I'm 5 weeks pregnant again!) I have to go back next week to see if there is any growth. My hgc levels are still increasing but slowly. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Same thing happened to me today. In most cases, fetal heartbeat can be heard at 8 weeks but there are many factors in play: In different types of ultrasound, results can vary. Is that normal? I was preparing for the worst. Hey! I have to wait until the 17th for another ultrasound. Learn more about, Omg that is great news Im praying for the same positive news too, never knew this could happen. Usually, it is not recommended to get an early scan of the baby, but sometimes parents like to be sure of the pregnancy, see the baby's growth, and know the due date, so they consult the OB/GYN and get one. I hope everything goes okay today. I'm really freaking out. I'll send you msg with my name as I don't want it to be out on the interweb (it's fairly unique), Hi ladies, thanks so much for your concern and my apologies for the slow reply. r. reisskj. The normal fetus heartbeat depends on specific pregnancy weeks, and increases with time. Positive vibes and prayers needed. I was about 2 weeks off when I first found out. In the past I never counted if I were regular, but since trying I've been anywhere from 24 to 30 days. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! but i know stress isn't good! A normal fetal heart rate (FHR) is measured in beats per minute (BPM) and is usually between 120 and 160 bpm. And even if the miscarriage happens, there is no need to be disheartened. It can be a sign of miscarriage, and other signs include serious bleeding, clotting and cramping. Most likely everything is fine! Hey everyone! They have gotten most of us here through our worst days. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. I had first ultrasound today. Miscarriage. I'm hoping for the best. All rights reserved. I really am hoping for the best for you. If both parents are of short height, then the baby can also get it genetically from them. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Does this mean i could be having a miscarriage? The doctor said that it was still very early so we were pretty lucky to even hear the little that we did. When I was in the first trimester around 10 weeks, I also hard brown discharge, but the doctor said it was normal as long there wasnt heavy cramping involved. Im so scared and sad. Starting from that moment, heart rate of the fetus increases 3 BPM each day during that1st month. Praying for you! Dont panic yet they are just being cautious. Every parent wants to hear their babys heartbeat at the beginning of the pregnancy to be sure theres a human being growing inside the mother. At the appt with my doctor on Friday, he basically said that it looks like a missed miscarriage, monitoring_string = "c48fb0faa520c8dfff8c4deab485d3d2". I am 8 weeks according to last period, 28 day cycle! The tech didn't find a heart beat the baby and sac both measured at 6 weeks though. I thought it was all over but I'm still pregnant. You could just be off on the dates. So, stay strong and hope for the best outcome. Hope everything is good with you and baby. I showed as 6 weeks and she couldnt see the heartbeat yet with a transvaginal US. She didn't even say to wait and come back for another check she just wrote the pregnancy off. I did some bloodwork on Friday and today so Im hoping for some good news . There was a little something in there but it was small and took a bit to find. My Dr didnt even try to get a heart beat at my 8 week appointment, she said sometimes they are hard to get then and then it just stresses the Mom out. I also did blood work on Friday and I am going again on Tuesday (which is when I should be 9 weeks). No blood and the cramps are very mild. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Thank you for all your kind words. Was seen by a gyno who did an internal scan and said I measured right from my lmp 7 weeks 1 day but no heartbeat found and booked me for an erpc for 2 weeks time as no spaces for next week. And please, don't tell a woman who has had a loss that "everything happens for a reason." I'm so scared and confused. I truly believe that God is able and that he will strengthen all of us during this difficult time. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. I ovulated late- due date was moved a full week. I am measuring 5weeks. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Hopefully next scan you'll see the heartbeat. If you could please delete your post on M/PL, it would be a big help and the wonderful ladies on here will be able to help you better. At 28 weeks I was told the twins had iugr and the EDF flow had stopped to twin 2 and was intermittent on twin 1. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. I know this pregnancy is doomed, but a D&C scares me, on the off chance that the pregnancy is viable, so I'll just let nature take its course. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. When you had your first u/s, you were 6 weeks pregnant and it showed an embryo measuring 6 weeks? In between 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's heart starts to function and beats at a rate of 80 to 85 BPM (Beats Per Minute). Learn more about, Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. Following. Did you get an after visit summary? but there are lots of people it does work out well for. US on 8th week: baby measures at 6 weeks and no heartbeat. Sometimes it just happens. 8 week ultrasound measuring only 6 weeks A Abenge78 Mar 2, 2017 at 6:21 PM I had my 8 week ultrasound today but the baby only measured 6 weeks. I didn't enjoy this pregnancy, every scan, every review I was just waiting for bad news. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. X I thought I was 9 weeks 2 days today. I'm afraid it doesn't look good. El L (3) 21/02/2015 at 6:26 pm. They will apparently send the results to my midwife tomorrow so hopefully she'll call me straight away. Did anyone experience this? Ask your OB for a referral to an MFM and see if they can get a better look, sometimes the in-office machines are just very inaccurate, especially this early. I should be over 8 weeks, doctor said I was measuring 7 weeks. My dates were several weeks off with both of my girls. Although you are sure the hospital need to be aswell. Same! :), It's normal for dates to change. Freaking out as well and my dr won't see me for another 2 weeks! They couldn't see mine with the transvaginal probe so she did an u/s on my belly and saw it. Still too small to see a heartbeat. I did have a bit cramping at the time. I was supposed to be 7 weeks 6 days, but only measured 6 weeks 3 days. It seems kind of crappy of your doctor to be so vague about what is going on. Reply amb1238711553 over a year ago All rights reserved. But we did have a heartbeat of 99. It's definitely possible you ovulated late. Can You Crack Your Back While Pregnant Is It Safe? If you're looking for a good news story i have one. Once a heartbeat is detected, the chance of the pregnancy continuing ranges from 70-90% dependent on what type of ultrasound is used. A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. I had my 8 week scan yesterday and embryo is only measuring 6 weeks. She miscarried less than a week later. And alcohol or drug use and cigarette smoking can also be harmful to your baby and its growth. I just wanted to post this to see if anyone else is/has experienced this with their pregnancy. The date for your last period is irrelevant. it's kicking my butt! And anyone in your place is sure in the same boat. Even a week makes a huge, huge difference that early on. The normal pregnancy symptoms also disappear with miscarriage. Good luck to you. We had a lady in our area miscarry in January and then she died in October due to a mola pregnancy that turned into cancer. Sometimes your dates are off and it's just too early for a heartbeat. When was your LMP and what date did you get your first positive test? No cramps. I wouldn't get to worried until you are another 2-4 more weeks to be honest then get worried :). Brown discharge is normal. The heartbeat was too faint to be measured. Seeing a heartbeat at all is a good sign. So Im being monitored closely, but so far levels and everything looks good so Im keeping my hopes high it resolves. You have a higher chance of getting pregnant during your ovulation, and thats completely true, but that doesnt mean you cant get pregnant during your pre-ovulation or post-ovulation phases. I could see the flutter of the heartbeat, but could not hear it yet. There is a heartbeat, but IVF embryos should be measuring almost exactly. Now that I tried to cover all your concerns, there is no need to be so worried that your baby measured small. And then a follow up ultrasound next Friday. Based on my LMP I should have been 8 weeks 2 days, but the first dating ultrasound put me at 6 weeks 2 days, and no heartbeat. I would try and relax. He's turning 16 in June. So praying it is the case for both of us :), I pray that is the case as well. she did do that but never told me how many weeks I was measuring. Itll say it on the report. Because there might be other reasons for this ultrasound reading, and I am here to help figure out the reasons. So, if thats the case, then you might just be calculating your date wrong. Hugs . I am heartbroken and confused. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. Did you have a trans?? Thank you so much, this gives me great optimism. Pregnant and Scared of Life Changing Guide to Overcome. If your little sunshine doesnt get enough oxygen and nutrients in the womb according to their need, then it might be a reason for reading your baby at six weeks at an 8-week scan. My first prenatal appointment was when I was 8.5 weeks and my doctor couldnt detect a heartbeat then either. No Heartbeat at 8 Weeks The cardiovascular is the first organ system to develop functionally in babies. Additionally, if there has been enough time to pregnancy; but ultrasound doesn't show any heartbeat then the possibility of miscarriage should be considered. Try to just rest and relax (I know, easier said than done.) Measuring small could be fine, heart rate over 100 is fine as well. In my case, I was wrong. I go back Friday for more bloodwork and being scheduled for another ultrasound.

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