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how many people leave islam every year

[64][66] Much of the growth has occurred after World War II, when decolonization of Africa and abolition of various restrictions against Protestants in Latin American countries occurred. [369] Under Islamic law, Muslims are required to pay Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam. [464] Within India, a majority of Sikhs live in the state of Punjab. [122] Many people who convert to Christianity face persecution. The curse is said to cause misfortune or harm to the person that it is directed at. [408] Since 2005, the world's Jewish population has been growing modestly at a rate of around 0.78% (in 2013). [285][286] According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, between 2010 and 2015 "an estimated 109 million babies were born to Hindu mothers and roughly 42 million Hindus died, meaning that the natural increase in the Hindus population i.e., the number of births minus the number of deaths was 67 million over this period". Change of Name and Identity strategies, between Culture of Origin and Migration]", "Over 20,000 converted to Christianity since 1990 in Kashmir", "Report: Iran: Christian converts and house churches (1) prevalence and conditions for religious practice Translation provided by the Office of the Commissioner-General for Refugees and Stateless Persons, Belgium", "Iranians Turn Away from the Islamic Republic", "Iran: Christians and Christian converts - Department of Justice", "2019 Report on International Religious Freedom: Iran", "Are Iran's Christian converts at greater risk after Soleimani's demise? [445] In addition, there are examples where the adherents have their highest density among minorities in societies who face their own challenges. He did not even appear in public when the Taliban regained power two decades later. The story we normally hear is of an Islam growing from strength to strength, and how for all the phobia that exists around it, it remains the fastest growing religion with 1.6 billion followers across the world and acquiring new converts on an almost daily basis. It is published by Brill and is the most comprehensive database of religious demographics available to scholars, providing data for all of the world's countries. This scenario (Chinese scenario) is based primarily on sensitivity tests. Asia has the second largest Pentecostal-charismatic Christians of any continent, with the number growing from 10 million to 135 million between 1970 and 2000". In the Diaspora, in almost every country the Jewish population in general is either declining or steady, but Orthodox and Haredi Jewish communities, whose members often shun birth control for religious reasons, have experienced rapid population growth. Before it was banned in certain countries, the religion "hugely increased" in sub-Saharan Africa. [223][224], Religious conversions are projected to have a "modest impact on changes in the religious groups including Christian population" between 2010 and 2050;[225] and may negatively affect the growth of Christian population and it's share of the world's populations "slightly". It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. [118] Many Muslims who convert to Christianity face social and governmental persecution. [423][421][424] Most of the growth in the late 20th century was seeded out of North America by means of the planned migration of individuals. [30], Buddhism is the majority and state religion in six countries: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Bhutan and Laos. [493] It served as the state religion of the ancient Iranian empires for more than a millennium, from around 600 BCE to 650 CE, but declined from the 7th century onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia of 633654. High fertility is a major driver of projected Muslim population growth around the world and in particular regions. [52] In 1900, Europe and the Americas were home to the vast majority of the world's Christians (93%). They were sometimes effectively unable to prevent conversion but they were certainly not going to use force to achieve it. [446][447], In terms of absolute numbers, irreligion appears to be increasing (along with secularization generally). Wealthy Neighborhoods Saw the Most People Leave Every borough experienced a spike in people moving out last year, but Manhattan saw the . [305] A 2007 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) report argued that some Muslim population projections are overestimated, as they assume that all descendants of Muslims will become Muslims even in cases of mixed parenthood. [327] In Europe Muslim population will be nearly double (from 5.9% to 10.2%). [52] Christians have 2.7 children per woman, which is above replacement level (2.1). Credit: Kitti Kahotong / EyeEm. When it comes to negative energies, the Evil Eye is something you should watch out for. When asked to specify why they became Muslim, converts give a variety of reasons. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Growth of religion involves the spread of individual religions and the increase in the numbers of religious adherents around the world. [26] The study also reveals that, due to young age & relatively high fertility rate among Muslims by 2050 there will be near parity between Muslims (2.8billion, or 30% of the population) and Christians (2.9billion, or 31%), possibly for the first time in history. ", most of them are women and African-Americans. Chart courtesy of Ryan Burge Thus, the likelihood of leaving Islam appears to be at its highest when young people's lives are the most unsettled. It was reported in 2013 that around 5,000 British people convert to Islam every year, with most of them being women. [1][2] The finding is one of a number on how. [270] About 26.3% of the Israeli Druze population are under 14 years old and about 6.1% of the Israeli Druze are 65 years and over. [212] According to scholars Felix Wilfred from the University of Madras and Chris Hann from the University of Cambridge and Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, since the fall of communism, the number of Muslim converts to Christianity in Kyrgyzstan has been increased. [339][341][342] Between 2010 and 2015 the Muslim fertility rate in Europe was (2.1). To get an isolated comparison of suicide across the world we can use suicide rates - these measure the number of suicides per 100,000 . The paper concludes that the Pentecostalism movement is the fastest-growing religion worldwide. 2002. [4][5][6] It is projected that birth rates rather than conversion will prove the main factor in the growth of any given religion. [81] According to scholar Terence Chong, since 1980s Protestantism is expanding in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and South Korea. [236] According to Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, the number of Iranian Americans Muslims decreased from 42% in 2008 to 31% in 2012 according to a telephone survey around the Los Angeles region. Arabs are increasingly saying they are no longer religious, according to the largest and most in-depth survey undertaken of the Middle East and North Africa. Islam is projected to have a net gain of followers in Sub-Saharan Africa (+2.9 million) and Asia-Pacific (+0.95 million), but net loss of followers in North America (-0.58 million) and Europe (-0.06 million). Ellethy 2014, p. 181. [387], Today, the majority of the world's Jewish population is concentrated in two countries, the United States and Israel,[389] in 2013, the United States and Israel were collectively home to more than 80percent of the global Jewish population, each country having approximately 41percent of the world's Jews. Hinduism is the largest religion in the countries of India, Nepal, and Mauritius. In fact, a solid 55 percent of those who leave Islam stop identifying with a religion at all. For example, individuals can receive a capital punishment if they openly leave Islam in some Muslim countries. [403][404] In the United States, only about a third of children from intermarriages affiliate with Jewish religious practice. In 200 years (from 1800-2000), the world population increased more than 6 times, but the Christian Population increased faster over the same period (over 9 times). [382] Muslims take 2.5% out of their salaries and use the funds give to the needy. [244] On the other hand, demographer Conrad Hackett of Pew Research Center stated that the World Christian Encyclopedia gives a higher estimate for percent Christian when compared to other cross-national data sets. [491], Zoroastrianism was founded during the early Persian Empire in the 6th century BCE by Zarathustra. [38] According to scholar Mark Juergensmeyer of University of California, Berkeley, the global Christian population increased at an average annual rate of 2.3%, while Roman Catholicism is growing by 1.3% annually, Protestantism is growing by 3.3% annually, and Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism is growing by 7% annually. [19][20][21][22][23], Statistical data on conversion to and from Islam are scarce. In the coming decades, the developed world's demand for workers to pay its pensions and work in its service sector will soar alongside the booming supply of young people in the third world. No destruction was permitted. Do Muslims have more children than other women in western Europe? [43] Moreover, Chinese religion has also spread throughout the world following the emigration of Chinese populations, with 672,000 adherents in Canada as of 2010. [49] According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, by 2060 Christians will remain the world's largest religion; and the number of Christians will reach 3.05billion (or 31.8%). [19] In China it is difficult to project rates at which Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are gaining converts, nor what are the retention rates among converts. [19], These forecasts lack reliable data on religious conversion in China, but according to media reports and expert assessments, it is possible that the rapid growth of Christianity in China may maintain, or even increase, the current numerical advantage of Christianity as the largest religion in the world and may negatively affect the growth of the Religiously Unaffiliated. [309] Studies estimated about 30,000 converting to Islam annually in the United States. Some, mostly women who. [47] In South Africa, Pentecostalism has grown from 0.2%, in 1951, to 7.6%, in 2001. [335] According to Harvard University professor Robert D. Putnam, there is increasing numbers of Americans who are leaving their faith and becoming unaffiliated and the average Iranian American is slightly less religious than the average American. Ergo, we can expect significant immigration to the secular West which will import religious revival on the back of ethnic change. Similar shares listed reasons related to a preference for other religions or philosophies (16%) and personal growth experiences (14%), such as becoming more educated or maturing. [102] On the other hand, Eric Kaufman, of University of London, argued that the main reason for the expansion of Catholicism and conservative Protestantism along with other religions is because their religions tend to be "pro-natal" and they have more children, and not due to religious conversion.[103]. [38], According to a survey of religion in China in the year 2010, the number of people practicing some form of Chinese folk religion is near to 950 million (70% of the Chinese),[39] of which 173 million (13%) practice some form of Taoist-defined folk faith. [248] According to scholar Wang Zuoa, 500,000 Chinese converts to Protestantism annually. By 2040, Muslims will replace Jews as the nations second-largest religious group after Christians. [24][25][26], Some religions proselytise vigorously (Christianity and Islam, for example), while others (such as Judaism and Sikhism) do not generally encourage conversions into their ranks. [26] The growth of Islam from 2010 to 2020 has been estimated at 1.70%[3] due to high birthrates in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. [72] Christianity is still the largest religion in Central and Eastern Europe, according to a 2017 study by the Pew Research Center, the share of adults who identify themselves as Eastern Orthodox in Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria has been significantly increased between 1991 and 2015. He vowed to return after 500 years at the time of natural disaster and political corruption. [237] While on the other hand, in 2017, scholars Landon Schnabel and Sean Bock at Harvard University and Indiana University argued that while "Mainline Protestant" churches has declined in the United States since the late 1980s, but many of them do not leave Christianity, but rather convert to another Christian denomination, in particularly to evangelicalism. [250] According to scholar Todd Hartch of Eastern Kentucky University, by 2005, around 6 million Africans converted to Christianity annually. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Shortly after al-Qaida terrorists attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, many Muslims, as well as other Arab . : Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century", "Barrett, David B. [95][96][97], In 1900, there were only 8.7million[47] adherents of Christianity in Africa, while in 2010 there were 390 million. The report also shows that the fall in the birth rate of Muslims slowed down the growth rate from 1990 to 2010. [35] The decline is due to several factors such as the low fertility level among Buddhists (1.6 children per woman),[36] and the old age (median age of 34), compared to the overall population. [247] According to a report by the Singapore Management University, more people in Southeast Asia are converting to Christianity, and these new converts are mostly Chinese business managers. Such forecasts cannot be validated empirically and are contentious, but are useful for comparison. According to the Pew Research Center, religious conversion may have a modest impact on religiously unaffiliated population between 2010 and 2050; religiously unaffiliated are expected to gain 61 million adherents. And roughly one-in-five cited a reason specific to their experience with Islam, such as being raised Muslim but never connecting with the faith (9%) or disagreeing with the teachings (7%) of Islam. [263] It's been also reported that conversion into Christianity is significantly increasing among Korean,[264] Chinese,[265] and Japanese in the United States. [26] Religious switching is a sensitive topic in India,[523][19] and carries social and legal repercussions including the death penalty for apostasy in Muslim-majority countries. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. [45] It is a meaning system of social solidarity and identity, ranging from the kinship systems to the community, the state, and the economy, that serves to integrate Chinese culture. However, religiously unaffiliated is expected to grow slightly due to a decrease in the fertility rate among the religiously unaffiliated population. [85] According to Pew Research Center, "largely through the efforts of missionaries and churches, Christianity has grown rapidly in South Korea over the past century",[84] and has grown from 1% in 1900,[84] to 20.7% in 1985 and to 29.3% in 2010,[47] And the Catholic Church has increased its membership by 70% in the last ten years,[86] according to Pew Research Center, "the growth of Catholics has occurred across all age groups, among men and women and across all education levels. [407] The population grew again to around 13 million by the 1970s, but has since recorded near-zero growth until around 2005 due to low fertility rates and to assimilation. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax [198], According to scholar Rob Scott of University of Tasmania in 2010 there were "approximately 180,000 Arab Americans and about 130,000 Iranian Americans who converted from Islam to Christianity",[196] Scholar Dudley Woodberry form Fuller Theological Seminary estimated approximately that 20,000 Muslims converts to Christianity annually in the United States. About a quarter say they preferred the beliefs or teachings of Islam to those of their prior religion, while 21% say they read religious texts or studied Islam before making the decision to switch. According to the data revealed by the Pew Research Centre, about 100,000 Muslims abandon Islam each year and roughly the same number convert to Islam every year. [38], It was reported in 2013 that around 5,000 British people convert to Islam every year, with most of them being women. [195], Resurgent Islam is one of the most dynamic religious movements in the contemporary world. In the aftermath of the Cold War, one could say that Europe needed a new archetypal enemy, and research shows that Muslim immigrants gradually took on that status. According to the 2011 Census of India, there are 57,264 Parsis in India. [405] The result is that most countries in the Diaspora have steady or slightly declining religiously Jewish populations as Jews continue to assimilate into the countries in which they live. And by 2050, the U.S. Muslim population is projected to reach8.1 million, or 2.1% of the nations total population nearly twice the share of today. New York: Oxford University Press. If you believe in the evil eye, you may want to take some steps to protect yourself from this curse. ", "Losing their religion: the hidden crisis of faith among Britain's young Muslims", "Losing Their Religion: When Muslim Immigrants Leave Islam", "Iranians have lost their faith according to survey", " ", "5 facts about the Muslim population in Europe", "The Future of the Global Muslim Population - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life", World Muslim population doubling, report projects, Fewer differences between foreign-born and Swedish born childbearing women. Clerics are now expressing their concern about people, particularly youngsters, leaving the fold of Islam. Studies in the 21st century suggest that, in terms of percentage and worldwide spread,[1][2] Islam is the fastest-growing major religion in the world. Atheism and agnosticism are not typically considered religions, but data about the prevalence of. Sign up now! But while the share of American Muslim adults who are converts to Islam also is about one-quarter (23%), a much smaller share of current Christians (6%) are converts. More recently (20002010), the countries with highest growth rates are Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and some African countries. [346] He further points out that Muslims are not a monolithic or cohesive group,[347] Most academics who have analysed the demographics dismiss the predictions that the EU will have Muslim majorities. The number of officers leaving the police, in each of the last five years, is shown in Table 4.1 by reason for departure. Conference on Religion and Violence. Among this group, 55% no longer identify with any religion, according to the 2017 survey. ", "The Zoroastrians who remained in Persia (modern Iran) after the ArabMuslim conquest (7th century CE) had a long history as outcasts. [344], The Pew Research Center notes that "the data that we have isn't pointing in the direction of 'Eurabia' at all",[345] and predicts that the percentage of Muslims is estimated to rise to 8% in 2030, due to immigration and above-average birth rates. [336][337][b] A survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017 found that conversion has a negative impact on the growth of the Muslim population in Europe, with roughly 160,000 more people leaving Islam than converting into Islam between 2010 and 2016. [115][116] According to study by Pew Research Center in 2021, around 19% of American those who say they were raised Jewish or who had at least one Jewish parent now identify as Christian. "God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades". [93] Professor Aris Ananta reported in 2008 that "anecdotal evidence suggests that more Buddhist Chinese have become Christians as they increased their standards of education, because Christianity, unlike Buddhism, is often associated with 'modernity' and Western education", although there are no stats to support this. Pew Research projections, over time fertility rates generally converge toward the [235] A June 2020 online survey found a much smaller percentage of Iranians stating they believe in Islam, with half of those surveyed indicating they had lost their religious faith. [202] According to scholar Ladan Boroumand "Iran today is witnessing the highest rate of Christianization in the world",[203] and according to scholar Shay Khatiri of Johns Hopkins University "Islam is the fastest shrinking religion in there [Iran], while Christianity is growing the fastest",[204] and in 2018 "up to half a million Iranians are Christian converts from Muslim families, and most of these Christians are evangelicals",[205] and he adds "recent estimates claim that the number might have climbed up to somewhere between 1 million and 3 million". [461] The religiously unaffiliated are stationed largely in the Asia-Pacific region, where 76% resided in that region in 2010, and is expected to be 68% by 2050. [228] By 2050, Christianity is expected to remain the majority religion in the United States (66.4%, down from 78.3% in 2010), and the number of Christians in absolute numbers is expected to grow from 243 million to 262million. [319] Between 2010 and 2015, with exception of the Middle East and North Africa, Muslim fertility of any other region in the world was higher than the rate for the region as a whole. [388], According to the Pew Research Center published on 2010, religious conversion may have little impact on the Jewish population between 2010 and 2050; Jews are expected to lose 0.3 million adherents, between 2010 and 2050. To many Muslims, it may be the word of God, but in thinking this, they deny the fact that faith is a lived experience and the faith that they follow has been shaped by human lives who have gone before. From 2000-2010, only a total of 135 out of 686 applications by Muslims seeking . How many Muslims leave Islam in India? H. Patrick Glenn, Legal Traditions of the World. [426] However, the growth has not been even. The goal is to secure virginal brides rather than to seek new converts to Islam. Religion remains one of modern Malaysia's most sensitive topics, especially when it comes to Islam, the country's official faith . While all these deaths are not attributable to ISIS alone, ISIS is . [26] According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, over the next four decades the number of Jews around the world is expected to increase from 14.2 million in 2015 to 16.3 million in 2060. [46], The Chinese folk religion is a "diffused religion" rather than "institutional". The number of Muslims will equal the number of Christians around the . Naresh Mitra / TNN / Jan 11, 2016, 03:10 IST. [118] According to Blainey, this is due to several reasons, including the lack of ties of Evangelical Christianity with colonial powers in contrast to Roman Catholic and Mainline Protestant Churches, as well as the rising of Islamism, which lead some Muslims to look towards other religions such as Christianity through evangelical activity in the visual and audio media, as well as irreligion. According to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey, over the next four decades the number of Buddhists around the world is expected to decrease from 487 million in 2010 to 486 million in 2050. Researchers polled mosques in London to try to calculate how many conversions take place a year. These cases do not contribute to a growth of Christianity overall, but rather to a substitution of a brand of Christianity with another one. According to Pew Forum, Hindus are anticipated to continue to be concentrated primarily in the Indo-Pacific region in 2050. [333] On the other hand, the increasingly large ex-Muslim communities in the Western world that adhere to no religion have been well documented. [522], According to the Pew Research Center published in 2010, religious conversion may have little impact on religious demographics between 2010 and 2050. This increase primarily reflects the rapid growth of Haredi and some Orthodox sectors, who are becoming a growing proportion of Jews. [39] Further in detail, 12million people have passed some formal initiation into Taoism, or adhere to the official Chinese Taoist Association. . Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. According to other scholars, many converted for a whole host of reasons, the main statement of which was evangelization by Muslims, though there were several instances where some were pressured to convert owing to internal violence and friction between the Christian and Muslim communities, according to historian Philip Jenkins. (Ms Lewthwaite reportedly had a close relationship with Muslim neighbours during her youth.) About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. That means 3 of every 4 people leaving Islam go to something other than Christianity. After the death of Muhammad in 632 CE, the young Muslim federation came under strain. This has only been achieved in rare cases, and then only for particular countries, such as the American Religious Identification Survey[451] in the United States, or census data from Australia (which has included a voluntary religious question since 1911). [359] By 2050 Asia will be home to (52.8%) of the world's Muslims, and about (24.3%) of the world's Muslims will live in Sub Saharan Africa, (20%) the Middle East and North Africa, and 2% in Europe. [52] In 2010, 26% of the world's Christians lived in Europe, followed by 24.4% in Latin America and the Caribbean, 23.8% in Sub-Saharan Africa, 13.2% in Asia and the Pacific, 12.3% in North America, and 1% in the Middle East and North Africa. [512][513][514] However, this has not been confirmed by independent sources. [225] According to the same study Christianity is expected to lose a net of 66 million adherents (40 million converts versus 106 million apostate) mostly to religiously unaffiliated category between 2010 and 2050, it is also expected that Christianity may have the largest net loses in terms of religious conversion. [420], From the Bah' Faith's origins in the 19th century until the 1950s, the vast majority of Bahs were found in Iran; converts from outside Iran were mostly found in India and the Western world. [98] According to Pew Research Center the number of Catholics in Africa has increased from one million in 1901 to 329,882,000 in 2010. But what does Hajj constitute and why is it so. Since the year 2000, the Israeli Druze community has witnessed a significant decrease in fertility-rate and a significant increase in life expectancy. [515], Statistics on religious adherence are difficult to gather and often contradictory; statistics for the change of religious adherence are even more so, requiring multiple surveys separated by many years using the same data gathering rules. A study by Pew Research found that the number of Americans who identified as Christian was 64% in 2020, with 30% of the US population being classed as "religiously unaffiliated". Learn about Muslims and Islam through four short lessons delivered to your inbox every other day. It is completely reasonable to assume that the overall Muslim population in Europe will increase, and Muslim citizens have and will have a significant impact on European life. Though exact numbers are difficult to tally, observers estimate that as many as 20,000 Americans convert to Islam annually. [306], According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, between 2010 and 2015 "an estimated 213 million babies were born to Muslim mothers and roughly 61 million Muslims died, meaning that the natural increase in the Muslim population i.e., the number of births minus the number of deaths was 152 million over this period",[38] and it added small net gains through religious conversion into Islam (420,000). 22 August 2019. [306][335] Equally, Darren E. Sherkat questioned in Foreign Affairs whether some of the Muslim growth projections are accurate as they do not take into account the increasing number of non-religious Muslims. [118], According to the World Christian Encyclopedia[122] estimate significantly more people have converted to Christianity from Islam in the 21st century than at any other point in Islamic history. Over that same time period, the number of people who do not identify with any particular religion increased from 16 percent to 29 percent. [248] According to scholar Juliette Koning and Heidi Dahles of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam there is a "rapid expansion of charismatic Christianity from the 1980s onwards. [26], Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak in the 15th century. The Evil Eye is a curse that is believed to be cast by someone who has envy or jealousy towards another person. [65] In 2000, percentage of Protestants on mentioned continents was 17%, more than 27% and 5.5%, respectively. In probably a first in India, an organisation has been formed in Kerala to provide a platform to those who are renouncing Islam, a move which has significant socio-political implications. [99], Catholic Church membership in 2013 was 1.254billion, which is 17.7% of the world population, an increase from 437million, in 1950[100] and 654million, in 1970. [62] Changes in worldwide Protestantism over the last century have been significant. [480] The Sikh population has the lowest gender balance in India, with only 903 women per 1,000 men according to the 2011 Indian census,[481] although the sex ratio at birth for Indian Sikhs has rapidly improved from 130 male births per 100 female births in 2001 to 110 male births per 100 female births in 2019-21, now only slightly above the average for India as a whole (108 male births per female births).

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