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81mm mortar range table

a. 81mm smoothbore mortar Barrel length 1.28 m Muzzle velocity 225 m/s Elevation +45 to +85 Traverse 18 Fire control Sights C2 indirect fire sight with illumination Firepower Rate of fire 20 rpm maximum 15 rpm normal 1 to 12 rpm sustained Range 5.650 m maximum 100 m minimum Media 81mm L16A2 This may preclude moving the bipod. The air burst over average types of soil ranges from 1 to 6 meters, depending on the angle of approach. If, upon removal of the safety wire, a buzzing sound in the fuze is heard, the round should not be used. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The M252 81mm Medium Extended Range Mortar is a crew-served, medium weight mortar which is highly accurate and provides for a greater range (4,500 meters to 5,650 meters) and lethality than the . a. The 0-second boss is wider and differs in shape from the other body bosses; the safe setting position is indicated by the letter "S" on the fuze body. Red phosphorus rounds can be fired from the M29/M29A1 at a reduced charge (maximum charge = charge 2). . If required, the gunner/assistant gunner lowers the barrel so that the breech plug engages with the open end of the socket, and he uses the barrel as a lever to move the socket. The M1 was a derivative of the French mle 27/31 system (itself an improved form of the Stokes Trench Mortar of World War 1 fame) and slightly altered to suit American needs. If the fuze does not function as set, it automatically functions at the next lower setting. As soon as the sight data are announced, the gunner places it on the sight, lays the mortar for elevation, and traverses onto the aiming post by turning the traversing handwheel and adjusting nut in the same direction. The mortar is within two turns of center of traverse. The adjustment ring has six raised ribs for use in conjunction with fuze setter, M25, and a setting indicator rib (marked SET) about half the height and width of the other six ribs. M3A1 Baseplate An ammunition lot number is assigned to each ammunition lot, which is marked on each cartridge and packing container. The mortar should be within two turns of center of traverse when the task is compete. The mount consists of elevating and traversing mechanisms and a bipod (Figure 4-4). They are fuzed with the M524-series, M256-series, or M532. .50: BROWNING, M2 (HEAVY BARREL, TURRET TYPE) ON MOUNT, MACHINE GUN, TRAILER MTD: MULTIPLE CAL. b. The term "indirect fire" means firing at an enemy without having a. A proximity fuze is an electronic device that detonates a projectile by means of radio waves sent out from a small radio set in the nose of the projectile. Correctly applying and performing these duties enables the mortar section to perform as an effective fighting team. The gunner then kicks the barrel several times with his heel in an attempt to dislodge the round. If the round fires, the mortar is re-laid on the aiming point and firing is continued. He ensures that the firing pin recess is facing upwards. The table on the right describes the three most common setups. Other armies count on 81mm mortar families. ), FIRING TABLES FOR, CANNON, 155MM, HOWITZER, M185 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, 109A1 HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, 109A1B HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A2 HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A3 HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A3B AND HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, 109A4 AND CANNON, 155MM, HOWITZER, M284 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, 109A5 AND HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, 109A6 AND CANNON, 155MM, HOWITZER, M199 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M198 AND CANNON, 155MM, HOWITZER, XM776 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, XM777 FIRING PROJECTILE, HE, M795 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M284 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A5, M109A6 AND M109A7 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M284A2 CHROME ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A6 AND M109A7 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M199 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M198 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M776 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M777, M777A1 AND M777A2 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M776 CHROME ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M777A2 FIRING PROJECTILE, SMOKE, WP, M1121 INCLUDES FIRING TABLES FOR PROPELLANTS: M119A2 (CHARGE 7R), M203A1 (CHARGE 8S), AND MODULAR ARTILLERY CHARGE SYSTEM (MACS) PROPELLANTS: M231 (CHARGES 1L AND 2L), M232 AND M232A1 (CHARGES 3H, 4H AND 5H) (S&I BY PROP SEE FOOTNOTES). Red phosphorus cartridges (M252 only) are stored the same as HE cartridges. . He rotates the socket so that the open end is pointing in the direction of fire. f. The open end of the socket must continue to point in the direction of fire. More uniform firing is obtained if ammunition is kept at the same temperature. It has two types: type 1 resembles the M734 fuze, and type 2 resembles the M935 fuze. c. The assistant gunner stands to the right of the mortar, facing the barrel and ready to load. Red phosphorus/white phosphorus is used for screening, producing casualties, creating incendiary effects, and signaling. The following are authorized (Standard B) cartridges for the 81-mm mortar, M252: Each cartridge has fins around the tail to stabilize it in flight and to cause it to strike fuze-end first. It is used for records such as reports on condition, malfunctions, and accidents. All PD fuzes are superquick--detonate on impact. The M252 system . Ammunition Lot Number. This section contains information on how to prepare the 81-mm mortar, M252, for firing, how to conduct safety checks, and, if a misfire should occur during firing, what actions the crew applies to remove the cartridge from the barrel. The ammunition that can be fired by the 81-mm mortar, M252, is identified and described herein. HE ammunition is used against personnel and materiel. The leg-locking handwheel must then be tightened, ensuring the teeth are correctly meshed. The fuze is screwed into the cartridge body, and it is seated and secured using an M18 wrench. A plain leg is fitted to a stud on the elevating leg and is secured by a leg-locking handwheel. Notches in the setter engage ribs in the setting ring of the fuze. .50 MACHINE GUN, M3; FIRING CARTRIDGE, CAL. d. Climatic Effects. The Mark 4 and 5 barrels were introduced during World War 2 and have a much increased range. c. The moisture-resistant seal of the container is broken when the ammunition is to be used. The following safety checks must be enforced before firing the mortar. Its range and explosive power is greater than the M224, yet it is still light enough to be man . The barrel is then rotated a quarter turn to unlock it from the socket, and it is placed in an area designated by the squad leader. b. a. The M734 multioption fuze is the only one used with the 81-mm mortar. 81mm 120mm 60mm . General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems is the leading manufacturer of propellants for 60mm, 81mm and 120mm Mortar Systems. (1) Mask clearance and overhead clearance are sufficient. The cannon has a crew-removable breech plug and firing pin. A spring-loaded locating catch is behind the elevating gear housing, which locates the plain leg in its supporting position for level ground. He moves the mortar until the vertical line of the sight is aligned approximately on the aiming post. (7) When opening an ammunition box, the ammunition bearer ensures the box is horizontal to the ground, not nose- or fin-end up. a. Long Range PGK. (e) If the mask is not regular throughout the sector of fire, the gunner determines the minimum mask clearance as described above. (6) The primer cartridge is checked for damage or dampness. c. The assistant gunner moves into position to the front of the bipod on his right knee and grasps the bipod legs (palms up), lifting until they clear the ground enough to permit lateral movement. The aluminum tail assembly has six integral fins equally spaced around the rear, which stabilize the round in flight. Washington DC 20310-0107, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access), usarmy.pentagon.hqda-apd.mbx.customer-service@army.mil, GUN, MACHINE, CAL. The components of the mortar consist of a canon, sight, mount, and baseplate. It is painted white with black markings. From introduction up to halfway World War 2 the ML 3-inch had a poor range of up to 1.45 km. The barrel clamps are then closed. The fuze consists of a brass head, body assembly, and expelling charge. He places firing data on the sight and lays the mortar for deflection and elevation. The pile is covered with a double thickness of tarpaulin. The principal factors affecting height of burst are the angle of approach to the target and the reflectivity of the target terrain. To set for delay, the selector slot should be rotated clockwise until it is aligned with the "D" mark on the ogive. The gunner levels the elevation bubble by turning the elevation micrometer knob and reading the setting on the elevation scale and elevation micrometer--this setting is the minimum mask clearance. Safety before firing is provided by a safety wire, which must be removed just before firing. b. 0.50, M8 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-2) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MACHINE GUN, CALIBER .50: BROWNING, M2 (HEAVY BARREL, TURRET TYPE) ON MOUNT, MACHINE GUN, TRAILER MOUNTED: MULTIPLE CALIBER .50 MACHINE GUN, M55 FIRING CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: API, M8 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MACHINE GUN, CALIBER .50: FICED, M85 TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED: 105MM GUN, M60 SERIES FIRING CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: API, M8 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: API-T M20 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: BALL, M33 CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: TRACER, M17 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MACHINE GUN, CAL. 107 Army Pentagon If the primer of the ignition cartridge is dented, the first ammunition bearer attempts to replace the safety wire and places the round in a marked, safe location for disposal by ordnance personnel. b. Proximity-fuzed short cartridges, which are duds, contain a complete explosive train and impact element. All mortar cartridges are painted to prevent rust and to identify their type. He must ensure that the ball-shaped end of the locking rod is secured in its recess by the locking latch. b. A locked padlock In charge was the platoon commander - normally a lieutenant. Barrel (with blast attenuator device) He maintains the ammunition for firing and provides local security for the mortar position. Powered by Hugo. It is fitted with a standard pull wire and safety pin that are removed immediately before firing. Joint Tables of Allowance; PB - Professional Bulletins; STP - Soldier Training Publications; TC - Training Circulars; . M252A1 81mm Mortar: Maximum Range (meters): 5,935; Ammunition: War reserve HE (M821A3), red phosphorus smoke (M819), visible light illumination (M853A1), infrared illumination (M816), war reserve and training HE (M889A4), and FRP . (5) With the exception of a few unused increments (within the same ammunition lot number) as replacements for defective increments, excess powder should be removed from the mortar position. It weighs about 9.05 pounds. Types of rounds, classification, and characteristics for the 81-mm mortar, M29A1 (Standard B for the 81-mm mortar, M252). The gunner can depress the barrel, if necessary, to provide easier access to the firing pin. b. The assistant gunner exposes 8 inches (200 millimeters) of elevation shaft, leaving the elevation handwheel unfolded. The 81-mm mortar, M252, is a smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded, high-angle-of-fire weapon. If the situation allows for a longer waiting period, the dud can be considered safe for handling after 40 hours. He releases the securing strap, loosens the leg-locking handwheel, and lowers the plain leg until the locating catch engages in the recess. Following the arm-and-hand signals of the gunner (who is looking through the sight unit), he moves the far aiming post so that the gunner obtains an aligned sight picture. 4-12. Additional information is included on an ammunition data card inside each container. b. He opens the cross-level handwheel, traversing handwheel, and barrel clamp. Normally, it can be moved by hand, although this may be difficult to do if the mortar is moved through a large arc. He knocks down the near aiming post and proceeds to the far aiming post. d. The gunner rough levels the cross-level bubble by making the bubble bounce from one side to the other. Upon completion of any bipod movement on the barrel, the gunner ensures that the firing pin recess is facing upward. The gunner checks the baseplate and ensures that--. It has a time setting of up to 50 seconds. The sight is laid on two aiming posts (placed out 50 and 100 meters from the mortar) on a referred deflection of 2800 mils and an elevation of 1100 mils. 251 MK 1 AND CARTRIDGE, AP-T, M81 AND M81A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), RIFLE, 57-MM, M18, M18A1 AND T15E16; FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M306A1 AND CARTRIDGE, TP, M306A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), RIFLE, 57-MM, M18, M18A1 AND T15E16, FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, AT, M307A1, MUZZLE/VELOCITY, 1200 F/S (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 60MM, M224 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M720 CARTRIDGE, HE, M720A1 CARTRIDGE, HE, M49A4 CARTRIDGE, HE, M888 CARTRIDGE, HE, M768 CARTRIDGE, HE, XM1046 CARTRIDGE, HE, M1061 CARTRIDGE, WP, M50A3 CARTRIDGE, WP, M302A2 AND M302A1 CARTRIDGE, WP, M722 CARTRIDGE, WP, M722A1 CARTRIDGE, ILLUM, M83A3 CARTRIDGE, ILLUM, M721 CARTRIDGE, IR, M767 CARTRIDGE, FRPC, M769 CARTRIDGE, TP (SR), M766 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES) (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 60MM: M224 MORTAR, 60MM: M224A1 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M720A1 CARTRIDGE, HE, M768 CARTRIDGE, HE, M720 CARTRIDGE, HE, M720A2 CARTRIDGE, HE, M768A1 CARTRIDGE, WP, M722 CARTRIDGE, WP, M722A1 CARTRIDGE, HE, M888 CARTRIDGE, HE, M49A4 CARTRIDGE, TP, M50A3 CARTRIDGE, HE, M1061 CARTRIDGE, HE, XM1046 CARTRIDGE, WP, M302A1 CARTRIDGE, WP, M302A2 CARTRIDGE, ILLUM, M721 CARTRIDGE, ILLUM, M83A3 CARTRIDGE, IR ILLUM, M767 CARTRIDGE, TP(SR), M766 CARTRIDGE, FRPC, M769 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 60-MM, M224; FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M888 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 60MM, M224, FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M888 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 60 MM, M224 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE M488 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), RIFLE: 75-MM, M20 (T25); FIRING CARTRIDGE, PHE, M310 AND M310A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), GUN, 76-MM, M32 ON TANKS, 75-MM GUN, M41 AND M41A1 AND GUN, 76-MM, M48 (T124E2) ON CARRIAGE, 76-MM, M29 (T66) FIRING SHOT, AP-T, M339 SHOT, TP-T, M340 SHOT, HVAPDS-T, M331A1 AND M331A2 SHOT, HVAP, T66E4 SHELL, HE, M352 SHELL, WP, M361 (T140E2) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR, 81-MM: M29A1, M29 AND M1; FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M362 CARTRIDGE, HE, M43A1 AND TP, M43A1 CARTRIDGE, WP, M57 AND M57A1 CARTRIDGE, ILLUMINATING, M301A1 AND M301A2 CARTRIDGE, ILLUMINATING, M301A3 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-7) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR 81-MM: M29 AND M2 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M43A1 WITH FUZE, PD, M525 FUZE, PD, M52A2E3 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR: 81-MM, M29 AND M1 ON MOUNTS, MORTAR: 81-MM, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 AND M1; FIRING SHELL, HE: M43A1 AND M43A1B1; SHELL, TP: M43A1 AND M43A1B1 WITH FUZE, PD: M52B10; FIN, M3; CARTRIDGE, IGNITION: M8; PRIMER, PERCUSSION: M34 AND INCREMENT, PROPELLANT: M1A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR, 81-MM: M29A1 AND M29; MORTAR, 81-MM, SELF-PROPELLED: M125A1 AND M125; CARRIER, 81-MM MORTAR: TRACKED, XM755; FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE: M374A2 AND M374; CARTRIDGE, WP, M375A2 AND M375; CARTRIDGE, ILLUMINATING: M301A3; CARTRIDGE, TRAINING: M68 AND TRAINING DEVICE, M1 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-4) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR, 81-MM: M29A1 AND M29; FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M374A2 AND M374; CARTRIDGE, WP, M375A2 AND M375 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 81MM, M29 AND M1 FIRING CARTRIDGE, ILLUMINATING, M301A3 WITH FUZE, TIME, M84A1, HEIGHT OF BURST, 600 METERS (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR, 81-MM, M29A1 AND M1; FIRING CARTRIDGE, ILLUMINATING, M301A2 WITH FUZE, TIME: M84A1 HEIGHT OF BURST, 381 METERS (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR, 81-MM: M29A1 AND M29; FIRING TRAINING DEVICE, 81-MM: M1 SABOT WITH CARTRIDGE, TP, M744 (CHARGE 1); CARTRIDGE, TP, M745 (CHARGE 2); CARTRIDGE, TP, M746 (CHARGE 3), CARTRIDGE, TP, M747 (CHARGE 4) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR, 81-MM: M29A1 AND M29 AND FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE: M374A3 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE FOR MORTAR, 81-MM: M29A1 AND M29; MORTAR, 81-MM, SELF-PROPELLED: M125A1 AND M125; CARRIER, 81-MM MORTAR: TRACKED, M755 M755 AND FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M374A3 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 81MM, M252, M252A1, AND M252A2 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M821; CARTRIDGE, HE M889; CARTRIDGE, RP, M819; CARTRIDGE, ILLUMINATING, M853A1; CARTRIDGE, TP, M879; CARTRIDGE, TP, M879A1; CARTRIDGE, HE, M821A1; CARTRIDGE, HE, M821A2; CARTRIDGE, HE, M821A3; CARTRIDGE, HE, M821A4; CARTRIDGE, HE, M889A1; CARTRIDGE, HE, M889A2; CARTRIDGE, HE, M889A3 (PROV); CARTRIDGE, HE, M889A4; AND CARTRIDGE, IR ILLUMINATING, M816; AND MORTAR, 81MM, M29A1 AND MORTAR, 81MM, M252, M252A1, AND M252A2 FIRING CARTRIDGE, TP (SR), M880 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), MORTAR, 81-MM, M29A1, M29, AND M1; FIRING CARTRIDGE, TRAINING, M68 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), RIFLE, 90-MM: M67 AND FIRING CARTRIDGE, HEAT, M371 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), CANNON, 105MM GUN, M68 AND M68A1 ON TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED: 105MM GUN, M1, M60A3, M60A1, M60 AND M48A5; FIRING CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, M900; CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, M833; CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, M774; CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, M735; CARTRIDGE, APDST, M728; CARTRIDGE, APDST-T, M392A2, M392A1, AND L36A1; CARTRIDGE, HEAT-T-MP, M456A2; CARTRIDGE, HEAT-T, M456A1 AND M456; CARTRIDGE, HEP-T, M393A2 AND TP-T, M393A1; CARTRIDGE, WP-T, M416; CARTRIDGE, APERS-T, M494; CARTRIDGE, TPDS-T, M724; CARTRIDGE, TP-T, M490A1; CARTRIDGE, TP-T, M490 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), ADDENDUM TO FT 105-H-6 FOR CARTRIDGE, HE, M444 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), ADDENDUM TO FT 105-AS-2 FOR CARTRIDGE, HE, M444 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), ADDENDUM TO FT 105-AS-4 FOR CARTRIDGE, HE, DPICM, M915 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR CANNON, 105MM HOWITZER, M137A1 (M137E1) AND M137 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, TOWED, 105MM, M102 AND CANNON, 105MM HOWITZER, M20A1 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, TOWED, 105MM, M119A1 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M1 CARTRIDGE, GAS, PERSISTENT, H AND HD, M60 CARTRIDGE, GAS, NONPERSISTENT, GB, M360 CARTRIDGE, SMOKE, WP, M60, M60A1 AND M60A2 CARTRIDGE, SMOKE, HC AND COLORED, BE, M84A1 CARTRIDGE, ILLUMINATING, M314A3 CARTRIDGE, HEP-T, M327 CARTRIDGE, ANTIPERSONNEL, M546 CARTRIDGE, HEAT-T, M622 CARTRIDGE, HE, M760 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR CANNON, 105MM HOWITZER, M137 AND M137A1 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, TOWED, 105MM, M102 AND CANNON, 105MM HOWITZER, M20A1 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, TOWED, 105MM, M119A3 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HERA, M548 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR CANNON, 105MM HOWITZER, M20A1 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, TOWED, 105MM, M119A1 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HERA, M913 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR CANNON, 105MM HOWITZER, M137 AND M137A1 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, TOWED, 105MM, M102 AND CANNON, 105MM HOWITZER, M20A1 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, TOWED, 105MM, M119A3 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HERA, M927 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES)-, CANNON, 105-MM HOWITZER: M2A2 AND M2A1 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, TOWED: 105-MM, M101A1 AND M101 AND CANNON, 105-MM HOWITZER: M49 ON HOWITZER, LIGHT, SELF-PROPELLED, FULL-TRACKED, 105-MM: M52A1 AND M52; FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE: M1; CARTRIDGE, GAS PERSISTENT, H AND HD, M60; CARTRIDGE, GAS, NONPERSISTENT, GB, M360; CARTRIDGE, SMOKE, WP, M60; CARTRIDGE, SMOKE, BE, M84 AND M84B1 (HC AND COLORED); CARTRIDGE,SMOKE, HC, BE, M84A1 (M84E1); CARTRIDGE, ILLUMINATING, M314A3 (M314A2E1); CARTRIDGE, HEP-T, M327; CARTRIDGE, ANTIPERSONNEL, XM546 AND CARTRIDGE, HEAT-T, M622 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), RIFLE, RECOILLESS, 106MM, M40, FIRING, SHELL, HEAT, M344 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), GUN, 106-MM RECOILLESS RIFLE, M40A1 ON MOUNT, M79; FIRING CARTRIDGE, 106-MM: HEAT, M344 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), RIFLE, 106-MM, M40 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HEP-T, M346 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), GUN, 106-MM RECOILLESS RIFLE, M40A4 AND M40A2 ON MOUNT, M79; FIRING CARTRIDGE, ANTIPERSONNEL, XM581 WITH FUZE, MT, XM592E1 AND CARTRIDGE, ANTIPERSONNEL, M581 WITH FUZE, MT, M592 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), CANNON, 120MM GUN, M256 ON TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED: 120MM GUN, M1A1 FIRING CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, M829 CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, M829A1 CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, M829A2 CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, M827 CARTRIDGE, APFSDS-T, DM13 CARTRIDGE, HEAT-MP-T, M830 CARTRIDGE, HEAT-MP-T, M830A1 CARTRIDGE, HEAT-MP-T, DM12 CARTRIDGE, TPCSDS-T, M865 CARTRIDGE, TPCSDS-T, M865 PIP CARTRIDGE, TPFSDS-T, M866 CARTRIDGE, TPFSDS-T, DM28 CARTRIDGE, HEAT-TP-T, M831 CARTRIDGE, TP-T, M831A1 CARTRIDGE, HEAT-TP-T, DM18 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 120MM: CARRIER-MOUNTED M121 MARTAR, 120MM: TOWED M120 FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M934 CARTRIDGE, HE, M934A1 CARTRIDGE, HE, M933 CARTRIDGE, WP, XM929 CARTRIDGE, WP, M929 CARTRIDGE, ILLUM, XM930 CARTRIDGE, IR ILLUM, XM983 CARTRIDGE, FRPC, M931 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 120MM: CARRIER-MOUNTED RMS6L (BCT STRYKER) FIRING CARTRIDGE, HE, M934 CARTRIDGE, HE, M933 CARTRIDGE, HE, M934A1 CARTRIDGE, WP, XM929 CARTRIDGE, WP, M929 CARTRIDGE, ILLUM, M930 CARTRIDGE, ILLUM, M930E1 CARTRIDGE, IR ILLUM, M983 CARTRIDGE, FRPC, M931 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR MORTAR, 120MM: TOWED M327 FIRING PROJECTILES, HE, M1101 PROJECTILES, SMOKE, WP, M1103 PROJECTILES, ILLUMINATING, M1105 PROJECTILES, PRACTICE, M1107 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), CANNON, 152-MM GUN LAUNCHER: M81E1 AND M81 ON ARMORED RECONNAISSANCE/AIRBORNE ASSAULT VEHICLE: FULL TRACKED, 152-MM, M551; FIRING CARTRIDGE, 152-MM: HEAT-MPT, XM409E5; CARTRIDGE, 152-MM: TP-T, XM411E4 AND XM411E3; CARTRIDGE, 152-MM: HE-T, XM657E2; CARTRIDGE, 152-MM: CANISTER, XM625 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), CANNON, 152-MM GUN-LAUNCHER: M162 ON TANK, COMBAT, FULL-TRACKED: 152-MM, M60A2; FIRING CARTRIDGE, 152-MM: HEAT-T-MP, M409; CARTRIDGES, 152-MM: TP-T, M411A1 AND M411 AND CARTRIDGE, 152-MM CANISTER, M625 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AR-2 FOR PROJECTILE, SMOKE, M825 AND PROJECTILE, SMOKE, M825A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AK-2 FOR PROJECTILE, HE, M483A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AM-2 FOR PROJECTILES, HE, M449A1 (M449E2) PROJECTILES, HE, M449 (T379) PROJECTILES, HE, M449E1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AN-1 FOR PROJECTILE, HE, M483A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AN-2 FOR PROJECTILES, HE, M483A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 144-ADD-K-1 FOR HOWITZER, ORGANIZATIONAL, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155-MM, M109, M109A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AN-1 FOR PROJECTILE, HE, M692 AND PROJECTILE, HE, M731 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1-2) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AN-2 FOR PROJECTILES, HE, M692 PROJECTILES, HE, M731 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AK-2 FOR PROJECTILE, HE, M692; PROJECTILE, HE, M731 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AN-1 FOR PROJECTILE, ANTITANK, M718 AND M741 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AN-2 FOR PROJECTILES, ANTITANK, M718 AND M718A1 PROJECTILES, ANTITANK, M741 AND M741A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AK-2 FOR PROJECTILE, ANTITANK, M718 AND M741 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AN-2 FOR PROJECTILES, SMOKE, M825 AND PROJECTILES, SMOKE, M825A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AM-2 FOR PROJECTILE, HE, M483A1 USING REGISTRATION DATA FOR PROJECTILE, HE, M107 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AM-2 FOR PROJECTILES, HE, M483A1 USING REGISTRATION DATA FOR PROJECTILES, HE, M107 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AM-3 FOR PROJECTILE, HE, M483A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLE ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AM-2 FOR PROJECTILES, SMOKE, M825 AND PROJECTILES, SMOKE, M825A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), ADDENDUM TO FT 155-AM-3 FOR PROJECTILE, SMOKE, M825 AND PROJECTILE, SMOKE, M825A1 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), PROVISIONAL AIMING DATA ADDENDUM TO FT 155-ADD-AU-PAD FOR PROJECTILE, HE, M864 (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), CANNON, 155-MM HOWITZER, M126A1 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155-MM, M109 AND CANNON, 150MM HOWITZER, M1A2 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 150MM, M114A2 FIRING PROJECTILE, HE, M483A1 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M185 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A1 HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A1B HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A2 AND HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A3 AND CANNON, 155MM, HOWITZER, M199 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M198 FIRING PROJECTILE, HE, M107 PROJECTILE, SMOKE, WP, M110, PROJECTILE, SMOKE, BE, M116, M116B1 (HC AND COLORED) PROJECTILE, SMOKE, BE, M116A1, (HC) PROJECTILE, GAS, PERSISTENT, H AND HD, M110 PROJECTILE, GAS, NONPERSISTENT, GB, M121A1 PROJECTILE, GAS PERSISTENT, VX, M121A1 PROJECTILE, ILLUMINATING, M485A2 AND M485A1 (REPRINTED W/BASIC INCL C1) (S&I BY PROP SEE DETAILS, FOOTNOTES), FIRING TABLES FOR CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M185 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A1; HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A1B; HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A2; HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A3; HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A3B; HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A4 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M284 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A5, M109A6 AND M109A7 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M284A2 CHROME ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM, M109A6 AND M109A7 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M199 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M198 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M776 ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M777, M777A1 AND M777A2 AND CANNON, 155MM HOWITZER, M776 CHROME ON HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED, 155MM, M777A2 FIRING PROJECTILE, HE, M107; PROJECTILE, SMOKE, WP, M110, M110A1 AND M110A2; PROJECTILE, SMOKE, BE, M116A1 (HC); PROJECTILE, ILLUMINATING, M485A2 AND M485A1; AND PROJECTILE, IR ILLUMINATING, M1066 (S&I BY PROPONENT, SEE FOOTNOTES.

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