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is megalodon still alive in mariana trench

That sounds like plenty of parking space for a megalodon or two. Sorry folks, this is impossible. When competition gets really fierce, the fight for survival turns into a zero sum game, and as the availableprey began to dwindle in number, the great white appears to have come out on top. This video wasn't "breaking," it didn't show a 50-foot shark, it wasn't filmed in the Mariana Trench, and it absolutely didn't capture an extinct megalodon. But its a only small Would you ever venture into the ocean if you knew this creature could be lurking beneath you? 1. What If You Were Alive 200 Million Years Ago? How long have Keir Starmer and Sue Gray been secretly cooking up their plot? To put that in context, the average ocean depth is 12,000 feet, only a third of the Trench. In this case, the Pacific tectonic plate is moving very slowly to the west, and pressure is pushing it down into the Earth's crust where it meets the Philippine Plate. Supersized themselves into a massive proportion. When people first encountered Megalodon teeth, they believed them to be rocks that had made their way to Earth from the moon.- Megalodon was the biggest shark to terrorize the ocean, and it is thought to have gone extinct 2.6 million years ago. Here's a comparison of the shark in the video and another sleeper shark: While the shark in the video is indeed large, it would be considered rather small if it were actually a megalodon. Since the average depth of the ocean is around 14,000 feet, that means the Megalodon Shark, even if it has evolved to live in very deep water, could, in theory, exist in numerous places around the world. As the largest shark that ever roamed the Earth, people can't help but imagine whether or not this giant predator is still lurking in the ocean's depths. Its believed that the megalodon could reach a maximum length of 16 meters (52 ft). Another Last Known Megalodon Seen Diving in the Gulf of Mexico. The name Megalodon means big tooth. Most of the recovered Megalodon fossil teeth have been 4 to 5. Recent discoveries of species like the coelacanths and the megamouth shark, which was previously thought they were extinct, had fuelled the belief among believers that the megalodon could still be alive. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. This made megalodon around the same size as the biggest whales of its day, but much smaller than a modern blue whale, which can reach 100 feet. A giant shark caught on camera scouring the bottom of the Mariana Trench has sparked debate about if megalodons still exist. I appreciate your thoughtful comments! Based on what we know about this megatooth shark, scientists estimate that their jaws could open anywhere from 2.7 to 3.4 meters wide. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. I think it is possible but highly unlikely that they are out there somewhere in the deep. It is believed that the megalodon lived in tropical and sub-tropical waters throughout the world. Some people believe that the megalodon could live in the Mariana trench, but thats virtually impossible. Many megalodon teeth have been found off of the North American east coast, between the saltwater creek bottoms and coastlines of North Carolina and Florida. So cool. "We propose that this short overlap (3.6-4 million years ago) was sufficient time for great white sharks to spread worldwide and outcompeteO. megalodonthroughout its range, driving it to extinction-rather than radiation from outer space,"saysBoessenecker. And their suspicions have been fuelled by several unexplained videos posted on the web said to show the giant beast thriving today. She said: "With its large serrated teeth megalodon would have eaten meat - most likely whales and large fish, and probably other sharks. Great white sharks came to the scene around 6 million years ago, inhabiting only the Pacific. With such a large body, eating large prey was likely a requirement. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Did the megalodon evolve, and its still alive, hiding in the deep ocean? And with only 15% of our oceans explored, whos to say no ancient predators are hiding somewhere deep underwater? Using information about its jaw and the number of teeth in its mouth, scientists also say that it likely had one of the most powerful bite forces in animal history somewhere between 108,500 and 182,200 Newtons. I cannot wait for the day when there is scientific proof there is a HUGE shark out there! Look at fake documentaries from the Discovery Channel or photos from typical reconstructions, and the megalodon almost looks like a great white shark, yet way bigger. And how would the Mariana Trench make this apex predator more docile?Transcript and sources: https://whatifshow.com/what-if-the-megalodon-was-hiding-in-the-mariana-trench/00:00 The Apex Predator01:04 We Know More About Mars Than our Oceans02:42 How would the megalodon shark get its food?04:21 What are piezolytes?Questions or concerns? Ill Take a deep breath. How could it withstand the immense pressure? Megalodon's maximum size is inferred because we do not actually have a whole preserved Megalodon. Megalodon Still Exists to Some Extent, Scientists Say. Many believe they may have competed with each other for food. As scientists study the fossil record more and more, it is becoming quite obvious that megalodons lived alongside great whites. A video shows a Megaladon Shark at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The megalodon would swim to the upper reaches of the ocean and feed at night. We take 23,000 breaths a day; trying to get oxygen to our brain and cells. Megalodon would probably be a slow and not very dangerous predator down there. cryptid (author) from USA on May 16, 2014: Sure could be another large shark. He has said that unusually large and unidentified sharks are still being reported. Megalodon teeth give us a surprising amount of information about this shark, including what it ate and what it looked like. However, researchers in the past once thought megalodon could reach a similar length as a blue whale. These scientists say the megalodon evolved from the Cretalamna appendiculata, a creature dating back more than 105 million years. The Mariana Trench. I don't know how people think the megalodon lives in the trench why would an gigantic shark wanna live in the trench away from all the whales and large food sources and I don't even think it could have adapted to the conditions there as well and sadly it probably died out. The competition between both species could have been one reason why the megalodon went extinct. There's no evidence that the long-extinct megalodon shark is hiding inside the Mariana Trench. ' No. There were megalodons later. But there are a few enormous teeth that are over 7.- The Mariana Trench is 6.83 miles deep and measures more than 1,500 miles long and 43 miles wide. The Real Existence of a Trench Monster, Exists, Real, Mariana, Trench. Thats because with the intense pressure of the Mariana Trench, proteins and calcium start to dissolve and disintegrate. Would you be able to survive in this new world? Look at fish. Nature selected the megalodon for extinction, and it should stay like that. One wrote: I think they went deeper into the seas like the giant squid which is why we never see them. Answer: Megalodon was the largest shark that ever lived, but it probably wasnt bigger than a blue whale. At its worst, the pressure is 1,000 times stronger than at sea level. Larger animals sometimes store food in expandable stomachs for months. This video wasn't "breaking," it didn't show a 50-foot shark, it wasn't filmed in the Mariana Trench, and it absolutely didn't capture an extinct megalodon. I hope they still live because it would be extraordinary to see or find one. See our Megalodon Size Comparison and Megalodon vs Blue Whale articles to learn more! Here we see a few ways the megamouth shark can help to bolster this idea. Taking a fresh look at the fossil record, researchers are now proposing that this mega marine creature may have been killed off by none other than the modern great white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias ). Youll find out soon! Its appearance and the maximum size are debatable, and the assumptions we have today are based on the size of its teeth. However, Emma Bernard, who curates the Natural History Museum'sfossil fish collection, says there is absolutely no evidence the behemoths are still around today. However, we now know they weren't related. The hardy locals were said to be so terrified by what they saw they refused to go out to sea again for several days. Like you have said in another article , only 5% of our oceans have been explored, so what about the other 95% that is left untouched? 'If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it. The Mariana Trench is a massive canyon in the Earth's crust and the deepest part of the ocean. I think that would be a wonderful site from land to see a Megalodon shark. Megalodon? With that logic, doesn't it merit the possibility that something that "did" exist previously still can? The coelacanth fish is one such creature. At its deepest, at a spot called Challenger Deep, the Marina Trench measures over 35,000 feet. Kudos! The largest predator that has ever lived inspired a lot of books, documentaries, and movies and intrigued the imagination of many people. Together, they argue that the fossil evidence aligns better with the rise of the megalodon's smaller but still fierce relative. Is there a megalodon alive today? You put out some pretty convincing arguments about it being possible Megalodon still exists. Getting bitten by this beast would feel like being crushed by three African elephants stacked on top of each other. Why not.they said the coelacanth was extinct but they found that they still exist Then there's the photo of the german u boats in south africa in the 1940's that big dorsal fin sticking up near one of the boats while the boats capitan looking on Then there's the google maps picture of a big shark fisherman have seen it so i think it's very possible .the ocean is vast just because we don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. After 3 hours, the probe finally came free and rose to the surface. Can we make any comparisons between Megalodon and great whites, or any other living sharks? Getting bitten by this beast would feel like. The earliest fossils of megalodon date back more than 23 million years, making it very unlikely that the species is still alive today. At one time many parts of the world thought the world was flat so you can see that now we look back and laugh. A giant shark caught on camera scouring the bottom of the Mariana Trench has sparked debate about if megalodons still exist. Could the Megalodon Still Be Alive in the Mariana Trench? The Megamouth Shark is a massive fish reaching 20 feet in length or more. Question: Is Megalodon bigger than a blue whale? Trench Shark Teeth Found in Arizona At its deepest, it is estimated at nearly 10,000 feet. The giant's terrifying jaws were lined with 276 teeth - measuring up to . Given that it was a massive shar. Dr Karl Shuker, a leading cryptozoologist, has dedicated his life to researching animals thought to be extinct. The huge predator can be seen swimming over what seems to be an. From there, its up to you to decide whether the megalodon is alive or went extinct millions of years ago. This giant shark is well-known for starring in the 2018 megalodon movie, The Meg. A new study has once again confirmed that this is not the case. In the waters, if an animal as large as the megalodon was still alive, we would have heard about it. However, because its cartilage is so soft compared to its teeth, there are only very rare circumstances in which we find well-preserved soft tissue. Megalodon is NOT alive today, it went extinct around 3.5 million years ago. This is all food for thought. What Was the Reason for the Megalodon Death? Despite its impressive size, it remained unknown until 1976. 2. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what you think is possible. I know I wouldnt. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'animalstart_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalstart_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Featured Image: Spotty11222 at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. In fact, one of Megalodon's ancient competitors was a massive predatory Sperm Whale with foot-long teeth known as Livyatan Melvillei. Would you ever go swimming in the ocean with the thought that a monster shark might be lurking near you? "No. While the largest sharks in the world are well-known due to their near-surface behaviors, there are others who are much more reclusive. Not so much. Probably not. The drop in temperatures affected these sharks in many ways. Some sharks can lose entire sets of teeth every week, depending on what they eat. Like digging a hole into the Mariana Trench. Past research suggests that the megalodon ( Otodus megalodon) went missing 2.6 million years ago alongside a wave of . "The extinction of O. megalodon was previously thought to be related to this marine mass extinction - but in reality, we now know the two are not immediately related,"explainslead author Robert Boessenecker, a vertebrate paleontologist at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. Plus, their jaws were also a bit flatter than that of the great white. The terrifying predator, believed to have died out around 3m years ago, was once THE true king of the prehistoric ocean. Copyright 2023 Underknown, Backyard Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. No large fish has even been found at these extreme depths. So you can plan your trip to the Mariana Trench knowing you wouldnt be eaten by a gigantic shark. Instead, he suggests the authors may have overlooked other culprits, like the modern tiger shark, which also shared similar territory to the juvenile megalodon. Unlike humans, who only produce teeth during the early stages of life, sharks continue to produce new sets throughout their entire lives, losing their teeth almost every two weeks . When lifting the probe back up from the depths, it caught on an invisible object even though there was nothing between the ship and the sea floor. So why do some people think it could still exist in the Mariana Trench and other deep places in the ocean? They live near the ocean floor, such as in and around the Mariana Trench, and near to biologically productive areas. The deepest part of the Mariana Trench, Challenger Deep, stretches 10,984 m (36,037 ft) down. i think the meg lives in the ocens but maby not the mirina trench, It could have reproduced and they all stayed down there and ate the squids. Given the new timeline, a new explanation is needed, and Boessenecker and his team think they've caught a big one. Suddenly, your sub experiences an earthquake. Similar to the great white, however, the Otodus megalodon had ultra-long pectoral fins to support its massive size.

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