The enterprise-wide constraints may be informed by the business and Architecture Principles developed appropriate governance procedures, Approved Statement of Architecture Work (see the, Architecture project description and scope, Refined statements of business principles, business goals, and business drivers (see the, Objective of the Statement of Architecture Work, Refined key high-level stakeholder requirements, Draft Architecture Definition Document, which may include Baseline and/or Target Architectures of any architecture domain, Additional content populating the Architecture Repository (see the. <>. The Architecture Vision is essentially the architect's "elevator pitch" - the key opportunity to sell the benefits of the Mandatory/optional: This section is optional as not all the domain teams need to produce a business architecture for their respective domains. In the Architecture Vision phase, however, the architect should consider the capability of the enterprise to develop the This particular example illustrates some of the infrastructure services within xxxx. Organization Mapping, Develop a high-level aspirational vision of the capabilities and business value to be delivered as a result of the proposed Phase A (Architecture Vision) describes the initial phase of the Architecture Development Method (ADM). <>, <>, <>, <>, <>. This particular example illustrates some of the business services within XXXX. The detailed assessment of business capability gaps belongs in Phase B as a core aspect of the Business Architecture, where the The TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) provides a tested and repeatable process for developing architectures. Also, a degree of flexibility exists when documenting each of the sub-sections within this section. Determine the interaction between the data entities; select and visualize the interactions that cross logical ownership boundaries. However, if they are relevant, this section may either provide references to the relevant documentation that has been produced separately by the domains, or provide the necessary information. an EA Capability, Applying the TOGAF ADM using Agile Sprints, Integrating Risk and Security within a Where an ABB from the baseline architecture is missing in the target architecture, each must be reviewed. Assign a mitigation strategy for each risk. Based on the stakeholder concerns, business capability requirements, scope, constraints, and principles, create a high-level The diagram below provides a view of the baseline business function categories and business functions. Constraints cannot be violated, they must all be met, so there cannot be a trade-off mechanism to evaluate conflicting constraints. to load the Contents List for that Part of the TOGAF document into the Secondary Index frame in the left margin. ensure that the Architecture Capability is suitable to address the scope of the architecture project (see the TOGAF Standard Applying the ADM). Normally, key elements of the Architecture Vision such as the enterprise mission, vision, strategy, and goals have been Architecture Vision describes how the new capability will meet the business goals and (Part of) the scope can be clarified with a Context Diagram. The Table of Contents appears as below: In summary, the explanation of the Architecture Roadmap in the TOGAF documentation is very dry and abstract. The diagram below provides a view of the target technology architecture at the logical level which consists of logical infrastructure components with their associated infrastructure services. is concerned with ensuring that the existing principles definitions are current, and clarifying any areas of ambiguity. Text describing the key concepts and notation used within the diagram will also need to be included so that users can easily read and understand the view.>>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Often models like shown below are used for this View>>, <>. Otherwise, go back to the originators of the Statement of Architecture Work and work with them to Text describing the key concepts and notation used within the diagram will also need to be included so that users can easily read and understand the view.>>, <>, <>, <>, <>. with, To articulate an Architecture Vision that demonstrates a response to those requirements and constraints, To understand the impact on, and of, other enterprise architecture development cycles ongoing in parallel, Business strategy, business goals, and business drivers, Identify Business Goals and Business Drivers, Review Architecture Principles, including Business Principles, The breadth of coverage of the enterprise, The specific architecture domains to be covered (Business, Data, Applications, Technology), The extent of the time horizon aimed at, plus the number and extent of any intermediate time horizons. consensus, as described in the TOGAF Standard EA Capability and The diagram below provides a view of the target business architecture at the conceptual level which consists of business service categories and business services. If it was not, an accidental omission in the target architecture has been uncovered that must be addressed by reinstating the ABB in the next iteration of the architecture design mark it as such in the appropriate Eliminated cell. These lower-level logical data entities will have been derived from the medium-level business objects, Description of the logical-level view(s) for the baseline data architecture in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders, Definitions for the logical data entities (in table format) in scope for the baseline data architecture, Characteristics of the logical data entities (in table format) in scope for the baseline data architecture, Descriptions of the relationships and cardinality (if relevant) between the logical data entities (in table format) in scope for the baseline data architecture, Any additional viewpoints and thus views that are required for this section due to new stakeholder requirements; these views will then be followed by descriptions for the views and definitions for the view artifacts, Any assumptions that have been used to define the baseline data architecture>>, Relevant views (diagrams) at the conceptual level illustrating the application services and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the baseline application architecture, Description of the conceptual-level view(s) in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders, Definitions for the application services (in table format) in scope for the baseline application architecture, Characteristics of the application services (in table format) in scope for the baseline application architecture; the domains will need to decide whether characteristics are needed at the conceptual services level, logical component level, or both, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the application services (in table format) in scope for the baseline application architecture, If required, characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the application services (in table format) in scope for the baseline application architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) at the logical level illustrating the logical application components and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the baseline application architecture; these logical application components group application services together based on common requirements/characteristics, Description of the logical-level view(s) in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders, Definitions for the logical application components (in table format) in scope for the baseline information architecture, Characteristics of the logical application components (in table format) in scope for the baseline application architecture; the domains will need to decide whether characteristics are needed at the conceptual services level, logical component level, or both, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the logical application components (in table format) in scope for the baseline application architecture, Characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the logical application components (in table format) in scope for the baseline application architecture, Any relationships between the business function categories, business functions, logical application components, and application services that are in scope for the baseline architecture, Any relationships between the business services and application services that are in scope for the baseline architecture, Any assumptions that have been used to define the baseline application architecture; for example, one assumption (recommendation) that has already been stated is that the physical application architecture is out of scope for the enterprise architecture>>, Relevant views (diagrams) at the conceptual level illustrating the infrastructure services and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the baseline technology architecture, Definitions for the infrastructure services (in table format) in scope for the baseline technology architecture, Characteristics of the infrastructure services (in table format) in scope for the baseline technology architecture; the domains will need to decide whether characteristics are needed at the conceptual services level, logical component level, or both, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the infrastructure services (in table format) in scope for the baseline technology architecture, If required, characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the infrastructure services (in table format) in scope for the baseline technology architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) at the logical level illustrating the logical infrastructure components and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the baseline technology architecture; these logical infrastructure components group infrastructure services together based on common requirements/characteristics, Definitions for the logical infrastructure components (in table format) in scope for the baseline technology architecture, Characteristics of the logical infrastructure components (in table format) in scope for the baseline technology architecture; the domains will need to decide whether characteristics are needed at the conceptual services level, logical component level, or both, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the logical infrastructure components (in table format) in scope for the baseline technology architecture, Characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the logical infrastructure components (in table format) in scope for the baseline technology architecture, Any relationships between the business function categories, business functions, logical infrastructure components, and infrastructure services that are in scope for the baseline architecture, Any relationships between the business services and infrastructure services that are in scope for the baseline architecture, Any assumptions that have been used to define the baseline technology architecture; for example, one assumption (recommendation) that has already been stated is that the physical technology architecture is out of scope for the enterprise architecture>>, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or enterprise architecture-level patterns that have been used to help define the business architecture, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or enterprise architecture-level patterns that can be derived from the business architecture, Any deviance from existing patterns and the reasons why, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or enterprise architecture-level standards that have been used to help define the business architecture, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or enterprise architecture-level standards that can be derived from the business architecture, Any deviance from existing standards and the reasons why, Any assumptions regarding the use of patterns or standards, The relevant business architecture artifact documentation, Context around any such relevant business architecture artifact documentation; e.g., validity, ownership, purpose, Any deviance from existing business artifacts and the reasons why, Any assumptions regarding business architecture artifacts, or their documentation, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or xxxx enterprise architecture-level artifacts that have been used to help define the business architecture, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or xxxx enterprise architecture-level artifacts that can be derived from the business architecture, Any assumptions regarding business architecture artifacts, or their documentation>>, The relevant business architecture pattern documentation, Context around any such relevant business architecture pattern documentation; e.g., validity, ownership, purpose, Any deviance from existing business patterns and the reasons why, Any assumptions regarding business architecture patterns, or their documentation, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or xxxx enterprise architecture-level patterns that have been used to help define the business architecture, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or xxxx enterprise architecture-level patterns that can be derived from the business architecture, Any assumptions regarding business architecture patterns, or their documentation>>, The relevant products and technologies documentation, Context around any such relevant products and technologies documentation; e.g., validity, ownership, purpose, Any deviance from existing products and technologies and the reasons why, Any assumptions regarding the products and technologies, or their documentation, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or xxxx enterprise architecture-level products and technologies that have been used to help define the current architecture, Any assumptions regarding the products and technologies, or their documentation>>, The relevant business architecture standards documentation, Context around any such relevant business architecture standards documentation; e.g., validity, ownership, purpose, Any deviance from existing business standards and the reasons why, Any assumptions regarding the business architecture standards, or their documentation, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or xxxx enterprise architecture-level standards that have been used to help define the business architecture, Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or xxxx enterprise architecture-level standards that can be derived from the business architecture, Any assumptions regarding the business architecture standards, or their documentation>>, Drivers for re-use in different business areas, Any re-usable artifacts that have been used to help define the business architecture, Any re-usable artifacts that can be derived from the business architecture, Extensions to existing artifacts in order to make them re-usable, Any non-usage of re-usable artifacts and the reasons why, Deployment options for re-use which an indication of priorities, Relevant views (diagrams) illustrating the business functions in scope for the target business architecture, Definitions for the business functions (in table format) in scope for the target business architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) illustrating the organization structure and units in scope for the target business architecture, Definitions for the organization structure and units (in table format) in scope for the target business architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) at the conceptual level illustrating the conceptual business services and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the target business architecture, Definitions for the conceptual business services (in table format) in scope for the target business architecture, Characteristics of the conceptual business services (in table format) in scope for the target business architecture, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the conceptual business services (in table format) in scope for the target business architecture, If required, characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the business services (in table format) in scope for the target business architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) at the logical level illustrating the business processes in scope for the target business architecture, Description of the logica- level view(s) in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders, Definitions for the business processes (in table format) in scope for the target business architecture, Any relationships between the business function categories, business functions, business service categories, and business services that are in scope for the target business architecture, Any assumptions that have been used to define the target business architecture>>, Business processes that are in scope for the vision, Business and technology environment in scope for the vision, Users who interact with the business process, Information flows for the business processes>>, If required, high-level diagram(s) of business processes, Descriptions for the business process diagrams>>, Business environment in scope for the vision, Technology environment in scope for the vision>>, Business users involved with the business processes in scope>>, Information flows for the business processes in scope>>, Relevant views (diagrams) at the planning level illustrating the information subject areas in scope for the target data architecture, as well as the relationships between them, Description of the planning-level view(s) for the target data architecture in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders, Definitions for the information subject areas (in table format) in scope for the target data architecture, Descriptions of the relationships and cardinality (if relevant) between the information subject areas (in table format) in scope for the target data architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) at the conceptual level illustrating the business objects in scope for the target data architecture, as well as the relationships between them; these medium-level business objects will have been derived from the high-level information subject areas, Description of the conceptual-level view(s) for the target data architecture in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders, Definitions for the business objects (in table format) in scope for the target data architecture, Descriptions of the relationships and cardinality (if relevant) between the business objects (in table format) in scope for the target data architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) at the logical level illustrating the logical data entities in scope for the target data architecture, as well as the relationships between them; these lower-level logical data entities will have been derived from the medium-level business objects, Description of the logical-level view(s) for the target data architecture in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders, Definitions for the logical data entities (in table format) in scope for the target data architecture, Characteristics of the logical data entities (in table format) in scope for the target data architecture, Descriptions of the relationships and cardinality (if relevant) between the logical data entities (in table format) in scope for the target data architecture, Any assumptions that have been used to define the target data architecture; for example, one assumption (recommendation) that has already been stated is that the physical data architecture is out of scope for the enterprise architecture>>, Relevant views (diagrams) at the conceptual level illustrating the application services and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the target application architecture, Definitions for the application services (in table format) in scope for the target application architecture, Characteristics of the application services (in table format) in scope for the target application architecture; the domains will need to decide whether characteristics are needed at the conceptual services level, logical component level, or both, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the application services (in table format) in scope for the target application architecture, If required, characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the application services (in table format) in scope for the target application architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) at the logical level illustrating the logical application components and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the target application architecture; these logical application components group application services together based on common requirements/characteristics, Definitions for the logical application components (in table format) in scope for the target information architecture, Characteristics of the logical application components (in table format) in scope for the target application architecture; the domains will need to decide whether characteristics are needed at the conceptual services level, logical component level, or both, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the logical application components (in table format) in scope for the target application architecture, Characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the logical application components (in table format) in scope for the target application architecture, Any relationships between the business function categories, business functions, logical application components, and application services that are in scope for the target architecture, Any relationships between the business services and application services that are in scope for the target architecture, Any assumptions that have been used to define the target application architecture; for example, one assumption (recommendation) that has already been stated is that the physical application architecture is out of scope for the enterprise architecture>>, The relevant technology architecture documentation, Context around the relevant technology architecture documentation; e.g., validity, ownership, purpose, Any assumptions regarding the technology architecture documentation, Relevant views (diagrams) at the conceptual level illustrating the infrastructure services and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the target technology architecture, Definitions for the infrastructure services (in table format) in scope for the target technology architecture, Characteristics of the infrastructure services (in table format) in scope for the target technology architecture; the domains will need to decide whether characteristics are needed at the conceptual services level, logical component level, or both, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the infrastructure services (in table format) in scope for the target technology architecture, If required, characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the infrastructure services (in table format) in scope for the target technology architecture, Relevant views (diagrams) at the logical level illustrating the logical infrastructure components and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the target technology architecture; these logical infrastructure components group infrastructure services together based on common requirements/characteristics, Definitions for the logical infrastructure components (in table format) in scope for the target technology architecture, Characteristics of the logical infrastructure components (in table format) in scope for the target technology architecture; the domains will need to decide whether characteristics are needed at the conceptual services level, logical component level, or both, Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the logical infrastructure components (in table format) in scope for the target technology architecture, Characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the logical infrastructure components (in table format) in scope for the target technology architecture, Any relationships between the business function categories, business functions, logical infrastructure components, and infrastructure services that are in scope for the target architecture, Any relationships between the business services and infrastructure services that are in scope for the target architecture, Any assumptions that have been used to define the target technology architecture; for example, one assumption (recommendation) that has already been stated is that the physical technology architecture is out of scope for the Reference Architecture.>>.
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